Saturday, June 30, 2012


~Soaking in His Presence~
Be Still

I find that term hard sometimes, “BE STILL”. As a busy Mom of 3 kids and doing the tasks that LORD lays on my heart to do, plus the distractions among other things that can come my way, I am always moving forward and doing something being pulled from all directions sometimes.

And sometimes busy doing can put a damper on things if I didn’t take some time out, Time out to get filled up in him. I have done that far too many times and learned the hard way because of it. Because I was running on air, and I didn’t allow myself to slow down and Be STILL.

Lately that has been what the Lord has been showing me. He has been wooing me to quite places in him. Wooing me and fanning the flame in my heart causing me to take time out to BE STILL.

Waves of His Glory
The main source to which is always encouraging to do daily is praying in the spirit, and meditating on his word.  But another great source that also jumps start my time with him has been “soaking”.

Soaking, a term in Christianity that I have just learned about these past few years to which have been very beneficial for me. Causing me to pause on life’s demands and mediate on him, On Jesus. In the place of soaking, I am able to stop and listen to what He is saying to me. I let life’s worries fade away and focus on him. I fine renewed strength and Shalom come over me ~ PEACE.

Here’s 2 different links to which best describes Soaking in the Spirit-

Transforming Waters
What I do in my soaking times with him is play worship music that invites his presence in. I allow my heart to mediate on him, to which helps me enter in to worshiping him. Time slows down and peace comes to rest in me.

Soaking should NOT be the only thing that a person does in God time, but it can surely help to quite the soul, and focus on him; ~on God, on Jesus, or the Spirit of God to which is Holy Spirit.
I do encourage praying and time of getting into the word as that is nourishment for our spirit.

Today, however I encourage and challenge you to try “Soaking”.  Be Still.  You may find renewed strength in doing this. You may learn to listen to him possibly for the first time as He is always speaking. Soaking can help with the exercise of listening to him, or him showing you things revealing to you His heart.

Waves of God's Glory
Just take some time out for God. You can choose to begin God time with Soaking or end with Soaking, but never the less try an added new thing to your God time such as this and see what may come of it.

Let His cup of goodness overflow in you. Get filled up so that you have enough to pour out into others. 

Here is a really good link that has some worship music to which is soaking related to help you to enter in.

Sunset Waters

I pray you find rest in him today.

Encouraging you to take a pause on life’s demands, and soak in his presence.

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Glory Waves
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Be Still ~
Kingdom Artist,
Jen Page


Water of LIFE

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Keep Moving Forward!

New Mercy-New Season

Ride Fourth Victoriously

This week we entered in a NEW season. “Summer”- A fun season for most who will get to play more, relax more and have more time to bond with each other as a family. Some may experience different views of their summer, of this Season of Change. But none the less, a NEW season has come.

When I think of Seasons of Change, I think of the scripture God’s mercy is made NEW every morning. Lamentations 3:23

GOD who walks in justices and righteousness (Proverbs 8:20) can give us; a NEW mercy in the morning, A New day that we can start over to make things right, and a NEW season.
You know when New Year’s come around; many make NEW resolutions for that year. They come up with the thought of starting a NEW thing or making the same one from the year before, of starting a better year for them, yet some don’t keep their resolutions, and then they give up. However, I encourage stepping into the NEW, the NEW of this season. To NOT give up! Keep moving forward!

Open Road
What is it that God has called you to do? What is it that you have laid aside and let go thinking it was too late, but in reality wasn’t too late? Has procrastination being knocking at your door?

I say to all of the above: God’s Mercy is NEW. I say that it’s NOT too late. Don’t give up! Keep moving forward!

Don’t give up because you missed yesterday’s mark. Keep moving forward because you have a NEW day ahead. And here it is a NEW season to try again. I see in my heart- God and the host of heaven rooting for you saying you can do it because” I am”-“God” is with you.

Don’t let yesterdays past mistaken steps stop you from your present steps to which you can change for the better.
Bride of Christ-BL

 You may have seen your footprints behind you, the footprints where you walked whether it was good or not, but none the less it has already being. Looking back you may say, I could have done this or done that, if only. But all those could have’s, and should have’s and if only doesn’t help what YOU CAN do for your NOW’s.


You can look forward. Look to the eyes of Jesus. LET Jesus take your hands leading you to finish the rest of the path to victory. He needs you. He is still saying go into the entire world (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15) using your skills and your personality to do this.

He needs you to where he has called you. You are important because you’re the only you he’s got to reach that other person or persons out there, For He needs every worker in His field. ~ Matthew 9:38

You are still in the race. It’s NOT too late. I hear him say, Keep moving forward.

Prophetic Harvester

I have had my own procrastinations and past mistaken steps, that I myself can’t look back on as that would only continue to place me there, but rather I am moving forward. Not allowing my past mistakes to hold me down, but to keep moving forward and Relaying on Jesus, Looking to him to help to move forward.

This is a NEW season, and there for a fresh start, A Fresh start to make things right, to try again, to keep moving forward.  

Run the Race

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us

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Keep moving forward!
Kingdom Artist,
Jen Page
Bride of Christ

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I call Him Daddy

I am with You Always
Daddy, Papa, Father are common names that most call their Dad’s. For me I still call my Dad Daddy even though I’m a grown married woman with kids. I’m not ashamed of how I feel about him. I’m thankful that God blessed me with my Dad who gave me life, and shared eternal life with me to which is the best gift he could have ever given to me.

My Dad had his share of struggles; one is not being able to read. His Struggle in not reading didn’t keep him from learning the most important book in the world which is living and active,” The Holy Bible”.

He was really good at listening to the bible when spoken in sermons, or others reading to him, and he was able to quote scriptures from the word though he hasn’t read anyone of them. God has used my Dad to be a light to me, the light in him to influence my walk with love and righteousness, to walk with God. His own relationship with God was the key factor in shinning the light of love to me to point the way to Jesus.

God the Father
I would love to say more as My Dad has many testimonies of His God encounters as a kid, miracles in situations as an adult, and many he has lead to the Lord to this day. My Dad is a gift in my life right now. And I honor him.

The Bible talks about Honor, and Honoring your mother and father.(Ephesians 6:2, Matthew  I5:4,Exodus 20:12) can say that for any age a child may be whether young or old Honoring your parents is important has God doesn’t take to lightly. For He says, you will have a long full life by honoring your parents.

I understand that some reading this may NOT know their parents, may have a broken relationship with their parents, May have NO relationship at all with their parents, let alone their Dad. If you’re in any of those categories, I can say that God would say to forgive( Matthew 6:14-15,1 John 1:9), forgive the pains of the past, forgive them, and Let GOD who is The Best Father that anyone can ever have, Be Daddy that you always wanted or needed.

For those who experienced a bad relationship with their earthly father, God who is also called Father God can show you in so many ways His Love to you to what Your Dad should have shown. God can heal you if you let him. He loves you and to those who accepted his son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, God calls you son, He adopted you into His Kingdom (Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:15) and you are called child of God.(John 1:22) 
Child of God

As child of God You get to also inherit his blessings, as any good and loving dad would do to bless his child, God does all the more. How do we get that, by simply opening your heart to God who Loves you and have a relationship with him living according to the simply instructions in His Word.

I Honor my Daddy and I honor God who is a Better Daddy than any Dad’s their ever was or ever will be as He is LOVE.  I thank God for creating me, for loving me, for showing me the way, for never leaving me. I thank God that He sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for me so that in believing in him and receiving His free gift, that I get to be with him. God wants to bless you this day and show you what it’s like to be loved, He blesses you like NO other can. He is an Amazing Father GOD.

Music Video- Rick Pino- We have the Best Dad

God LOVES you and calls you his own.

Happy Father’s Day!

And I call Him Daddy,
Kingdom Artist
Jen Page


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Father of Light Poetry

Poetry- "Father of Light"

Father of Light

Void,Dark,Earth waited, Breathless..

He spoke and there was light.

No more waiting through the Night.

Lord of Heaven's lights..

Spoke to this lowly heart.

Illuminating every part.

Father of Heaven's lights

Creator of all I see.

Created light to shine through me. (revized verison)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Lighting the Way

Creating Light
Lighting the way so that others can see.

Have you ever been in a situation where the lights went out do to whatever electric problem there was at the time, and you knew you needed your flash light or get the lighter and light the candles so that you can see? What about driving at night for our transportation to see clearly and be safe?

Lighting the Way
What would happen though if light wasn’t available? Your night would shift and abruptly end or you’d be stuck because you couldn’t see, or go to bed depending if you were even home. I can go on to say we use light at night for a great many things such as home, business, hospitals, light house, run ways, and so on. All of these are important.

God calls us to be a light to the world, a world that has been in darkness since the fall of man. In a sense we are like that candle, that flash light or the light in all those other places. We each carry the light of Christ within us and are used in different ways because God put in us a piece of himself. So when we follow him and follow what He has called us to do, we are light to the world in the important part to which the world needs. ~ JESUS

Just think if none of us shinned the light of Christ, many of us and the world would die, would walk in defeat, and would suffer. The order of things would be in kayos.

Salt and Light
You might be thinking just how can God use me to shine his light?

My answer to that question is to not hide Christ in you. You don’t have to be a preacher to shine his light. In fact it’s encouraged to go work at whatever your dream is to be or work in your job now.(as I tell my kids, as long as it doesn’t go against God’s word ) You can reach the person to the right or to the left of you. You can pray for them, your boss, the business and so on.
Your kids can reach other kids in school as mine already have and are still doing because they love Jesus and show His love to others.
Wherever your at now to the believers in Christ Jesus~ You are already considered a missionary in your nieghborhood,work and so on.

Tunnel of Light
Shinning your light can be as simple as wearing a Christian t-shirt (mind you when you do wear a Christian t-shirt or have a Christian symbol on your car or person in anywhere to which your professing your faith, It is encouraged to have a good attitude bearing good fruit as the world is always watching.).

Or being honest in your dealings and keeping the right change, standing for righteousness while walking in love. Tell them the Good News of the gospel. You can talk about your testimony in what God has done for you, or say a simple “Jesus Loves YOU”. You can hand them a track, or offer to pray for them. You can buy someone a meal and referring to them that Jesus loves them. There is so much creative ways to be a light to this dark world, as there are creative lights that light our way such as a flash light or house light or car and so on. Each light carries a unique purpose, but has one common substance and that is light.
Path of Light

You have a purpose, you are important and God needs you and I to light the way. God is the substance or source and we are the light carriers. I encourage you to let your light shine in whatever situation you’re in as you never know to whom that light is going to reach, or have a life saved because their path was lighted.

I’m grateful and thankful today that God used my parents ,entertainment, teachers, friends, leaders to just name a few to whom they have shined their light in my life so that I can become a light carrier (one who is saved following Jesus and having a relationship with him.) I would Not be the same without Christ in my life, without the people that He used to be tools in shaping me, and I’m grateful for everyone, and every part to which God used to get me here and what He will be using in whatever light tool to get me where he wants me to go.

Now I get to return the favor because my path has being light before me. And now I can light another person or persons path so that they may get saved and walk in God’s love and abundance. What an awesome thing to do and be a part of. Wow.
Healing Light

Purposing to be God’s friend and shinning the light to others, sharing the Good News, sharing the LOVE. Isn’t that what were made for. God made us for His good pleasure so He can enjoy us as He loves us all. He is the pure substance of LIGHT to which I would call LOVE. He is the one who gives us what we need to reach this dark world. He is. And He is able.

Encouraging you today to NOT hide that Christ in you but to light the way so that others can be able to follow the path and receive His light also.

Music video- Keb' Mo' - Let your Light Shine

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:16

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Lighting the Way ~
Kingdom Artist,

Light unto my Path

Friday, June 1, 2012

Never Alone

“Never Alone”
Friend of God

Have you ever felt alone? ~Even when there is a large crowd of people at whatever location that might be like that of; a large church, a train station, an airport, a mall, a school, or a game.  Though surrounded by people, the feeling of loneliness was present.

I have been there a few times, knowing what that feels like though only for brief moments did I feel that way because God would remind me of His presence. He would remind me that I am NOT alone In many different ways such as a simple thought, a jester from a stranger from acts of kindness, a dream, a vision, his word and or miracles that happened by healings or a larger miracles seen  or heard through testimonies of others.

God reminds me that I’m never alone. That He is always with me. Whether I have been paying attention to him or not, He is there. Matthew 28

He speaks to us through his creation ~

Lord of the Stars
(Psalm 19; Like that of the stars in the heavens, the oceans, the trees, animals, mountains and so on. Have you ever took time to gaze at the stars and learned through science that there is so many galaxies made that it made you think just how big God really is? When I’ve also had some troubled times, I was reminded even then that God is bigger than my circumstances that He alone can take care of me through them.

The bible also says that everything in the earth is His (I Corinthians 10:26, Psalm 24:1)

If everything in the earth is God’s then that would mean even the manmade objects such as land owned by men, houses, cars, food, clothes and so on are also God’s. So for that truth I can surrender my cares and worries to him as scriptures states in Matthew 6:25-34  he takes care of the flowers of the field and the birds of the air ~then how much more for you and I for he loves us all the more.

By following the simple steps in his word ~ The Holy Bible, would we then walk in all the goodness that he has for us. It’s there for us to take when we need it, as the Bible shows the way.

So not only is He a big God, but He is also a relational God, One who loves people to which he created.  He loves spending time with people, spending time with His creation like you and I.  He loves spending time with each one of us to the point that he knows our dreams, desires and the number of hairs on our head.(Luke 12:7,Matthew 10:30) He is interested in your interests and longs to show you more than what you can dream up alone.  It doesn’t matter what background you came from or what you did in your past, God is always interested in you. He made everything including you and I so that he can have a relationship with each one of us, A relationship which comes through Jesus Christ.

~Having believed and receive him as Lord and savior. My relationship with God began at a young age. I can call him my friend, my Lord and Savior, My God, My provider, my shield and protector, my creator, He is my everything to which I need as He is the source to sustain peace in me. He guides me and leads me as the word states in
Psalm 23

I’ve had some great times with him and mainly because I set aside time to spend with him.  How can we have a great time with God unless we give him time?  He is more than willing to show the mysteries to us, More than willing to pour into us him as He carries with him blessings. There is so much to unravel when spending time with God, like a present each time. And each time is different.

His Loving touch
God who is able to create the universe is also one who comes to our level to spend time with us as the art piece above ~ "Friend of God” and this one "His Loving touch" depicts Showing His loving nature towards us to which He loves.

Do you feel alone right now? Then I encourage you to call upon Jesus who will make himself real to you. As He is always present waiting with excitement and a longing to be with you as He waits for you to accept his invitation of LOVE. He is calling all of us all the time to be with him, calling us to a place of higher ground to a place of intimacy of a relationship with him. Whether you’ve been saved for many years or just now introduced to who Jesus is, God is always chasing us with his love to be with him as he has so much more in store of His Goodness for each one of us.

Friend of God~ Song by Israel Houghton:

Never Alone~ Song by Barlow Girls:
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To one who is Never alone with a surrendered heart to God ~

Kingdom Artist,

Jen Page

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For Always

Illustrated Poem~

“For Always”

For Always you will be

Very special to one as me

Someone who has shown such care

And Whenever I needed a shoulder

You were there

Sharing times and laughter too

Bringing sunshine

Making the skies a brighter blue

You have shown

Such love and warmth

That will never end

And for always

You will be

My dear friend

Keys to the Kingdom- Artist Jen Page "Keys to the Kingdom" "You are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased. You have an i...